CREATE 2020 Webinar Series

by The Multicultural Network
  • October 7th, 2020
  • October 15th, 2020
  • 7 October 2020: CREATE Project Snapshot – The major outcomes from the CREATE-ing Pathways to Child Wellbeing Project

    15 October 2020: CREATE Futures – Future directions for community-based prevention utilising CREATE Project tools, resources and methodologies

    On 7 October, the webinar will summarise the major outcomes from the project with the CREATE Project Snapshot and on 15 October the webinar will discuss the future directions for community-based prevention. Find out more/register. 

    Why every teacher needs to know about childhood trauma – The Sector - Recent reports show there has been a 28% spike in calls to the phone counselling service Kids Helpline between March and July 2020 compared with the same period last year in Victoria, which is under stage 3 and 4 restrictions. A strong body of evidence shows trauma can affect brains structures linked to learning, and control of emotions and behaviour. These effects can make it difficult for children to learn, make friends, and develop positive relationships with teachers. ARACY Work: Free videos from recent professional webinars are of use in this context for educators and school leaders: Learning from lockdown - Inclusive education for students with complex and challenging needs, from teacher and remote learning researcher Megan Watts, and Helping Australian schools understand, monitor, and improve student wellbeing from ARACY and Educator Impact on using the new EI Pulse wellbeing app for schools and students.

    Why we need to focus more on the needs of children in domestic and family violence responses – Monash University - In 2015, domestic and family violence (DFV) was declared a "national emergency" in Australia, with its impact on women and children costing the country an estimated A$22 billion each year. In 2019, the estimated long term cost was A$34 billion each year. Extensive research evidence generated over the past two decades clearly identifies childhood exposure to DFV as a predictor of adverse social, emotional and behavioural outcomes for children and adolescents, including increased levels of behavioural problems, depression and anxiety.

    Putting children first- How do ECEC services advocate for children’s safety, wellbeing and development? – The Sector…In building positive relationships with children, we increase the trust and sense of safety felt by children, and thereby form a part of that child’s safety network. Children will often disclose worries to educators with whom they trust and this may include disclosures of abuse or neglect. Educators therefore are entrusted to be the voice and advocate for children and to take action when there are concerns relating to harm or wellbeing concerns for a child.

    Money and kids: Learning the basics at a (very) early age – ABC - Is five years old too young to start learning about money? No way. That's according to Melis, who goes to kindergarten in Brisbane's south. For those outside of Queensland, it's the equivalent of pre-school, or the year before school starts.

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